


安妮•杰克逊 M.A., LPC的

艾德丽安斯皮策, M.A., LPC的

詹娜Przeslawski, M.A., nbcc, LLPC

琳达Veeser, M.A., LLPC


  • 你必须登录到你的@saturdaycoach.com的电子邮件. 
  • 找到并选择您所选择的时段
  • 验证您的姓和名,然后保存您的条目.
  • You will automatically receive a confirmation email with the option to meet in person and/or a Zoom (a link will be provided should you prefer a virtual meeting).

荣誉学院的学生需要与我们的辅导员见面 l每年一次,以保持良好的地位.如果您有任何问题或需要帮助,请发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 或致电我们的前台248-370-4450 




克里斯蒂娜·伯德是荣誉学院的职业咨询专家.  克里斯蒂娜协助撰写简历, 面试准备, 决策, 职业探索.  Additionally, Christina can assist students with various Pre-专业 and Pre-Health questions.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with Christina please contact her at (电子邮件保护)



荣誉学院的员工中有一位“教练专家”,伊丽莎白·切贝克.  她可以在时间管理方面提供个人帮助, 学习和组织能力, 资源意识和一般学生支持.  Elizabeth also provides guidance on college student wellness and well-being for your total student success plan.

欲了解更多信息或预约,请联系伊丽莎白 (电子邮件保护)




是的.  你可以选择用一年的时间学习两种不同的语言你可以通过分班考试“测试”一年的语言, 再学一年别的语言(1140和1150级别).


  • American Sign Language may also be used to satisfy the language proficiency through COM 2501.
  • American Sign Language now also meets the university general education category of Language & 文化.
  • You could take one year of sign language and one year of a modern language (or placement out of) COM 1500, 1501, 2500, 2501.


你可以 可转让的 language courses at a community college or a four year institution to satisfy part or all of your HC language requirement.  会见 an HC Counselor prior to registering to ensure appropriate courses are being taken. 


留学旅行应该与学习的语言相一致.  For example a study abroad trip to Spain for 6 weeks would be appropriate for a student that has completed Spanish 1140 and 1150.

- 3月15日暑期旅行
- 4月15日秋季旅行




荣誉学院 students must complete an average of ten hours of involvement per year (forty hours 毕业前).  任何与课程相关的工作之外的事情都可以被用于参与时间.  学时可能在秋季、冬季和/或夏季学期累积.  

Students are required to keep a spreadsheet of their "involvement" during their college experience.  申请毕业时, students will submit their spreadsheet to the Assistant Dean of 荣誉学院.


  • 荣誉学院*
    • Attending 荣誉学院 events and/or volunteering to help 荣誉学院 in any capacity.
  • 韦德体育app官网
    • 参加韦德体育app官网的活动, 参加学生组织或志愿参加公开大学的活动.
  • 人道主义* *
    • 任何人道主义行为(服务时间)都可能被计入参与.
  • 专业
    • 工作时间(有偿和/或无偿)可计入参与时间.

*  Graduating seniors who have considerable amount of "involvement" hours (unpaid) assisting 荣誉学院 during their undergraduate experience will be considered for an exclusive "Contribution Award" at time of graduation.

** 人道主义服务 有资格的学生申请并被认可为我们的年度之一 人道主义奖.  毕业生, 在荣誉学院期间做出了重要的人道主义服务, will be considered for our exclusive "Cumulative Humanitarian Award" presented at graduation.


论文对. 顶石的需求

所有韦德体育app官网学生 are required to complete a "capstone" in their major 毕业前 (regardless if you are in 荣誉学院).  HC students have the ability to utilize their "capstone" toward their 荣誉学院 Thesis 因此,时间和精力不会重复. 

  • 工程和计算机科学专业的学生 may take their HC3900 course the same semester as their Senior Project/Design (the semester before graduation is suggested).
  • 护理学生 服用HC3900的时间建议与HC顾问会面.  There are several factors to consider and we will determine the best plan for you. 
  • 文理学院专业的学生 are exempt from their "Exploratory" requirements once they have completed HC3900 (junior year).  在制定毕业计划时,请通知您的CAS指导老师.

大学生必须提交一篇荣誉论文 毕业前.  Most often, this activity is carried out in the student's major area of study (e.g. biology, business, communications, economics, engineering, english, music/theatre/dance).  然而, HC students are given freedoms to create their own thesis projects as long as 教师 Mentor approval is obtained. 

大多数HC学生将被要求参加 在他们大三的时候HC3900.  这门课程可以作为开放大学的选修学分.  它的目的是帮助学生为他们的论文提出一个建议.  A Competitive Thesis Grant may be applied for at this stage to help fund your research/project.  Please schedule an appointment with a HC Counselor to map this elective credit into your graduation plan of study.  Current HC3900 students who have questions regarding the thesis or 教师 Mentor process, 请联系博士. 苏珊·琳恩·贝克维斯, (电子邮件保护)

Please visit our "Student 资源" page for a sampling of the many 教师 Mentors who continually assist 荣誉学院 Students in the proposal of, 研究和撰写论文. 

Students who make a significant contribution to a field of study, will have a chance to earn a 论文与 奖的区别 (证书) or 研究领域优秀论文奖 (证书+毕业时佩戴HC论文绶带).  Please note that thesis must be submitted prior to the deadline in order to be considered for any award.


第一年:  Begin thinking about areas of interest you may want to consider for your thesis.  与HC辅导员和你专业的教师交谈以获得灵感.

第二年 & 转学:  Participate in the HC Imagination Lab where we assist you to explore your interests and develop ideas for your project.  The imagination Lab workshop will also cover your counseling requirement for that academic year.  

第三年:  大多数HC学生将被要求参加 HC3900 which can double as an OU elective credit.  本课程旨在帮助您为您的项目制定提案.  论文资助可以在这个阶段申请,以帮助资助你的项目.  

  • 工程和计算机科学专业的学生 may take their HC3900 course the same semester as their Senior Project/Design (the semester before graduation is suggested).
  • 护理学生 服用HC3900的时间建议与HC顾问会面 since several factors must be considered to best benefit the student. 

毕业一年:  论文上交,论文展示和高级审核.


(248) 370-4450